Nothing gets hotter and chafes quicker than a vigorous dry rub. Your clipper blades running between 2500 - 3800 strokes per minute will start a friction fire as quick and a teenager with a high school crush.
Now with your blades running hot on your clippers changes in things on a visual and audible level become obvious as some an a molecular level.
Things you will notice -
The speed of your clippers will generally drop down, you may find that the blade starts to feel blunt (usually closer to its resharpening time).
The dog you just branded as if it was your own ranch hand making you feel all Dutton like if thats what you're into.
Things you don't see are the blade possibly warping depending on a few factors but this will lead to more stock removal every sharpening.
Now with clippers this becomes incredibly important to make sure you keep your oil up and blades clean. This will prevent rust and generally wear by 50% or more.
So slap on a bit of lube every 10 minutes and keep those cutters gliding like a bit of precipitation off a waddling quackers back and you will see the benifits in no time.
