Use The Service That Professionals Use....
Phone: 0423 129 684
Sharpening for Knives, Scissors, Clippers and Garden Tools
Located in the beautiful town of Bacchus Marsh in Victora
We can organise transport in all areas of Melbourne, call us today!!
Pet dryer repairs and servicing
We service and repair all kinds of pet dryers, including Lazor RX, Mango Tornado, KK challenge air and 850.
All pet dryers can be repaired onsite for your convenience, or if you wish you can bring them in and drop them off at our repair centre.
There is no pet dryer we will not repair if the parts are available, either here or from the manufacturer.
We only use factory supplied pet dryer parts so you can be assured that you are getting the genuine item and are covered in-case of part failures.
All pet dryers are tested before going out the door to make sure they are working in optimal condition.
We are the Pet dryer experts !!!